Epidemiological characterization of stroke cases under rehabilitation on the Brazilian Unified Health System in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte


Custodio Alini DantasORCID,Morais Filho Alcivan BatistaORCID,Gomes Aline Thaiz NunesORCID,Lobato Inácia Allyne FernandesORCID,Cavalcanti José Rodolfo Lopes de PaivaORCID,Falcão DanielORCID,Freire Marco Aurelio MORCID


Objectives: To identify the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients undergoing treatment for a stroke at the only public rehabilitation clinic in Mossoró/RN (Doctor Ozias Alves de Souza Rehabilitation Center). Methods: Quantitative, prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional, exploratory study, structured from responses to a clinical-epidemiological and sociodemographic questionnaire with 39 items, to assess aspects concerning the profile of patients affected by stroke and undergoing rehabilitation treatment. Results: Twenty-eight individuals with stroke sequelae undergoing treatment at the rehabilitation center were identified, whose clinical-epidemiological characteristics revealed equivalence concerning gender (50% male:female), the predominance of white and brown color/race (46.4% each), and overweight (35.7%). Most of the patients lived in a family environment with a spouse (64.3%), were retired (71.4%), with monthly income between one and two minimum wages (64.3%), with hemiplegic sequelae resulting from the stroke (85.7%) and difficulties in adapting to the current way of life (75%). Conclusion: The present study allows an initial scrutiny of stroke cases in Mossoró/RN and their rehabilitation process. Such data may contribute to a better understanding of issues concerning stroke by government sectors, aiming to improve care and multidisciplinary interventions to provide patients with reinsertion in both work practice and in everyday social relationships.


Revista Ciencias em Saude

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