Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of HIV serodiscordants couples and their seronegative partners who were candidates for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrPE), and the knowledge about behavioural measures to reduce virus transmission. Methods: The research was performed in Northeastern Brazil, from February 2016 to March 2017. Ninety HIV-positive individuals (Index) and their HIV-serodiscordant partners (n = 17) were submitted for epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory questionnaires, and for rapid laboratory tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C. Results: High frequencies of HIV-syphilis (34.4%) and HIV-HBV (3.3%) coinfection were detected in the HIV-positive individuals. Three new HIV cases were detected in partners. Most participants in both groups (85.6%, Index; 94.1%, Partners) had an excellent degree of knowledge regarding HIV transmission, although nine seronegative HIV partners with a high risk of HIV infection were identified (53%). HIV-positive individuals had a high frequency of HIV-syphilis co-infection and 10% of them did not use antiretroviral by personal option. Conclusions: Adoption of PrEP and other preventive measures to prevent HIV transmission in serodiscordants couples should be studied and evaluated.
Revista Ciencias em Saude