In the present paper, by estimating operator norms, we give some characterizations of infinite matrix classes $\left( \left\vert E_{\mu }^{r}\right\vert _{q},\Lambda\right) $ and $\left( \left\vert E_{\mu }^{r}\right\vert _{\infty },\Lambda\right) $, where the absolute spaces $\ \left\vert E_{\mu }^{r}\right\vert _{q},$ $\left\vert E_{\mu }^{r}\right\vert _{\infty }$ have been recently studied by G\"{o}k\c{c}e and Sar{\i }g\"{o}l \cite{GS2019c} and $\Lambda$ is one of the well-known spaces $c_{0},c,l_{\infty },l_{q}(q\geq 1)$. Also, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for each matrix in these classes to be compact establishing their identities or estimates for the Hausdorff measures of noncompactness.
Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry
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