1. The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health. Essential Interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. 2011. http://www.who.int/pmnch/knowledge/publications/201112_essential_interventions/en/ . Accessed December 10, 2014.
2. World Health Organization. Monitoring emergency obstetric care: a handbook. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. 2009. http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/monitoring/9789241547734/en/ . Accessed December 10, 2014.
3. World Health Organization. Maternal mortality fact sheet. 2014. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/112318/1/WHO_RHR_14.06_eng.pdf?ua=1 . Accessed January 19, 2015.
4. Countdown to 2015. Fulfilling the Health Agenda for Women and Children, the 2014 Report. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. 2014. http://www.countdown2015mnch.org/documents/2014Report/The_2014_Report-No_Profiles.pdf . Accessed December 10, 2014.
5. Researchers were invited to participate based on their 1) experience conducting maternal health research in low- and middle-income countries; 2) recent maternal health publications in high-impact journals; 3) knowledge about the policy and donor landscape for international maternal health research; 4) and geographic distribution. Researchers from academic institutions and implementing agencies in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America participated. All respondents were conducting maternal health research in Africa, Asia or Latin America and more than half worked in multiple regions. Nearly 40 % of the respondents resided in LMIC (10 of 26). The priorities synthesized in the commentary were mentioned by researchers working in all regions as well as those undertaking research in multiple regions, indicating a high degree of consensus.