On a class of solvable difference equations generalizing an iteration process for calculating reciprocals


Stević Stevo


AbstractThe well-known first-order nonlinear difference equation $$ y_{n+1}=2y_{n}-xy_{n}^{2}, \quad n\in {\mathbb {N}}_{0}, $$ y n + 1 = 2 y n x y n 2 , n N 0 , naturally appeared in the problem of computing the reciprocal value of a given nonzero real number x. One of the interesting features of the difference equation is that it is solvable in closed form. We show that there is a class of theoretically solvable higher-order nonlinear difference equations that include the equation. We also show that some of these equations are also practically solvable.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Applied Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

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1. On solvability of a two-dimensional symmetric nonlinear system of difference equations;Journal of Inequalities and Applications;2024-08-27

2. On some classes of solvable difference equations related to iteration processes;Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations;2023

3. On a class of recursive relations for calculating square roots of numbers;Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing;2022-08-10

4. Note on theoretical and practical solvability of a class of discrete equations generalizing the hyperbolic-cotangent class;Journal of Inequalities and Applications;2021-11-17








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