Improving social justice in observational studies: protocol for the development of a global and Indigenous STROBE-equity reporting guideline


Funnell Sarah,Jull Janet,Mbuagbaw Lawrence,Welch Vivian,Dewidar Omar,Wang Xiaoqin,Lesperance Miranda,Ghogomu Elizabeth,Rizvi Anita,Akl Elie A.,Avey Marc T.,Antequera Alba,Bhutta Zulfiqar A.,Chamberlain Catherine,Craig Peter,Cuervo Luis Gabriel,Dicko Alassane,Ellingwood Holly,Feng Cindy,Francis Damian,Greer-Smith Regina,Hardy Billie-Jo,Harwood Matire,Hatcher-Roberts Janet,Horsley Tanya,Juando-Prats Clara,Kasonde Mwenya,Kennedy Michelle,Kredo Tamara,Krentel Alison,Kristjansson Elizabeth,Langer Laurenz,Little Julian,Loder Elizabeth,Magwood Olivia,Mahande Michael Johnson,Melendez-Torres G. J.,Moore Ainsley,Niba Loveline Lum,Nicholls Stuart G.,Nkangu Miriam Nguilefem,Lawson Daeria O.,Obuku Ekwaro,Okwen Patrick,Pantoja Tomas,Petkovic Jennifer,Petticrew Mark,Pottie Kevin,Rader Tamara,Ramke Jacqueline,Riddle Alison,Shamseer Larissa,Sharp Melissa,Shea Bev,Tanuseputro Peter,Tugwell Peter,Tufte Janice,Von Elm Erik,Waddington Hugh Sharma,Wang Harry,Weeks Laura,Wells George,White Howard,Wiysonge Charles Shey,Wolfenden Luke,Young Taryn


Abstract Background Addressing persistent and pervasive health inequities is a global moral imperative, which has been highlighted and magnified by the societal and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Observational studies can aid our understanding of the impact of health and structural oppression based on the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, age and other factors, as they frequently collect this data. However, the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guideline, does not provide guidance related to reporting of health equity. The goal of this project is to develop a STROBE-Equity reporting guideline extension. Methods We assembled a diverse team across multiple domains, including gender, age, ethnicity, Indigenous background, disciplines, geographies, lived experience of health inequity and decision-making organizations. Using an inclusive, integrated knowledge translation approach, we will implement a five-phase plan which will include: (1) assessing the reporting of health equity in published observational studies, (2) seeking wide international feedback on items to improve reporting of health equity, (3) establishing consensus amongst knowledge users and researchers, (4) evaluating in partnership with Indigenous contributors the relevance to Indigenous peoples who have globally experienced the oppressive legacy of colonization, and (5) widely disseminating and seeking endorsement from relevant knowledge users. We will seek input from external collaborators using social media, mailing lists and other communication channels. Discussion Achieving global imperatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., SDG 10 Reduced inequalities, SDG 3 Good health and wellbeing) requires advancing health equity in research. The implementation of the STROBE-Equity guidelines will enable a better awareness and understanding of health inequities through better reporting. We will broadly disseminate the reporting guideline with tools to enable adoption and use by journal editors, authors, and funding agencies, using diverse strategies tailored to specific audiences.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy

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