Healthcare corruption poses a significant threat to individuals, institutions, sectors, and states. Combating corruption is paramount for protecting patients, maintaining the healthcare system's integrity, and preserving public trust. As corruption evolves, takes new forms, and adapts to changing socio-political landscapes, understanding its manifestations is critical to developing effective anti-corruption strategies at individual and institutional levels.
The aim was to comprehensively collate the manifestations of different types of corruption in healthcare to illustrate prevailing patterns and trends and to provide policymakers, practitioners, and researchers with practical insights to inform research agendas, regulatory and governance strategies, and accountability measures.
We conducted a narrative review of scientific articles published between 2013 and 2022 using keyword searches in SCOPUS and EBSCO. We utilized the corruption typology proposed by the European Union and Thompson's Institutional Corruption Framework to systematically identify manifestations across different corruption types. The Prisma scheme was employed to document the selection process and ensure reproducibility.
Bribery in medical service provision was the most frequently investigated form of corruption, revealing rather uniform manifestations. Misuse of high-level positions and networks and institutional corruption also received considerable attention, with a wide range of misconduct identified in institutional corruption. Extending the analysis to institutional corruption also deepened the understanding of misconduct in the context of improper marketing relations and highlighted the involvement of various stakeholders, including academia. The pandemic exacerbated the vulnerability of the healthcare sector to procurement corruption. Also, it fostered new types of misconduct related to the misuse of high-level positions and networks and fraud and embezzlement of medical drugs, devices, and services.
The review spotlights criminal actions by individuals and networks and marks a notable shift towards systemic misconduct within specific types of corruption. The findings highlight the necessity of customized anti-corruption strategies throughout the healthcare sector. These insights are crucial for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in guiding the formulation of legal frameworks at local and global levels, governance strategies, and research priorities.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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