Migrated tubal sterilisation clip presenting as a subcutaneous gluteal foreign body 24 years later: a case report and literature review


Lakha Adil S.ORCID,Ang Andrew,Salih Sarmad Mohammed,Lewis Christopher


Abstract Background The incidence of sterilisation clip migration is reportedly 25%. However, less than 1% of those who experience clip migration will present with pain, an abscess, or spontaneous extrusion. Here we present a rare case of sterilisation clip migration through the entire pelvic floor. Case presentation A 66-year-old female was referred from community to the Surgical Emergency Unit with a possible metallic foreign body under the skin following an attempted routine gluteal cyst excision. The patient first noticed a lump under the skin 2 years ago which gradually became more apparent and tender over the previous 2 months. The patient denied recent trauma, had no co-morbidities and had a sterilisation procedure 24 years prior. Examination revealed a non-mobile solid structure just beneath the skin 5 cm laterally from the anal verge. Inflammatory markers were normal and an ultrasound confirmed a 15 × 7 mm foreign body in the subcutaneous tissues. The foreign body was excised easily under local anaesthesia, revealing a closed Filshie sterilisation clip. The wound was closed primarily, and recovery was uncomplicated. Conclusions This was a case of sterilisation clip migration to the subcutaneous gluteal region. A literature review revealed 34 case reports of sterilisation clip migration, mostly to the bladder. Patients with a previous sterilisation procedure and suspected subcutaneous foreign body without trauma should elicit a high index of suspicion for migrated sterilisation clips. These clips can migrate through multiple layers of muscle and fascia, including the pelvic floor.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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