The mixed phylogenetic origin of northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus 1758) populations in the Middle Danubian drainage


Takács PéterORCID,Bánó Bálint,Czeglédi István,Erős Tibor,Ferincz Árpád,Gál Blanka,Bánó-Kern Bernadett,Kovács Balázs,Nagy András Attila,Nyeste Krisztián,Lente Vera,Preiszner Bálint,Sipos Sándor,Staszny Ádám,Vitál Zoltán,Weiperth András,Csoma Eszter


AbstractBackgroundPikes, members of genusEsox, are widespread freshwater predators of the northern hemisphere, and important sport fish also. From the Carpathian basin only one species, the northern pike (E. lucius) is noted. At the same time the pike stocks living in this area show high level of phenotypic variance (e.g. various body pattern) and its growth varies highly both among and within populations. These features usually explained by the environmental diversity of the area. Whereas we think that genetic reasons -e.g. the appearance of other/new pike species in the area- may also be responsible for these observed features. Since as no detailed information have been published from the pike populations of this area, so far; we conducted phylogenetic and morphological assay on 88 pike specimens, collected from 49 Middle Danubian sampling sites.ResultsOur phylogenetic surveys showed that the northern pike appear in the study area solely, but all the three of its major lineages (Northern, Circumpolar, Southern) were indicated. Only six specimens represent the Northern lineage, collected from the western part of the study area. The Circumpolar and Southern lineages were common in the Carpathian basin, but the Southern lineage showed higher levels of haplotype diversity than the Circumpolar clade. Which indicates that only the Southern lineage is native in the area, while the other two groups could have appeared in the Middle Danubian system either spontaneously or by human introduction. Moreover, the different clades appeared in the same populations, suggesting the opportunity of inter-lineage hybridisation. From the studied morphologicalal features, the number of scales on the lateral line and the head length showed significant differences among the lineages. At the same time the body pattern of the studied individuals seems to be rather influenced by the ontogenic changes than phylogeny.ConclusionsThe high phenotypic variability of Middle Danubian northern pike populations may be due that all of its three major clades appeared and came in secondary contact in the area. In the within watershed spread of the non-native lineages the human stocking/transfer may play a considerable role.


Nemzeti Kutatási Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia

Ministry of Innovation and Technology

European Union and the European Social Fund

Ministry of Human Capacities

Magyarország Kormánya

New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology in Hungary

Balaton Limnological Research Institute


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Animal Science and Zoology

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