Foraging behaviour and preference of pollen sources by honey bee (Apis mellifera) relative to protein contents


Ghosh Sampat,Jeon Hyejin,Jung ChuleuiORCID


Abstract Background Pollen is an important source of protein and lipids for many animals including honey bees. In order to understand the foraging behaviour of honey bee colonies and preference among the available floral resources, pollen collections from three experimental healthy colonies of honey bees were analysed in the month of June. Results The amount of pollen collections were related to the colony’s need which was indicated by the number of larval and adult bees present in the hive. Interesting was the sequence of pollen collection from different floral sources. All honey bee colonies collected pollens from Trifolium repens first, then Erigeron annus and the third choice was Coreopsis drummondii and Oenothera biennis flowers. Total protein content of Trifolium pollen was the highest (20.0 g/100 g DM), and the others were in the range of 8.9–11.4 g/100 g DM. Conclusion The results indicated that the first criteria for honey bee foraging preference of pollens would be the nutritional contents of protein and the resource availability of the lesser nutritious floral sources. This information can help pollinator protection programmes of habitat manipulation using flowering plants for nectar and pollen sources.


National Research Foundation of Korea

Rural Development Administration


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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