Besrat Bethlehem N.,Mosites Emily,Montgomery Martha P.,Garcia-Williams Amanda G.,Trautner Emily,Clarke Kristie E. N.,Marshall Brittany,Vassell Cathryn,Rutt Candace,Jones Shantrice L.
Cleaning practices and hand hygiene are important behaviors to prevent and control the spread of infectious disease, especially in congregate settings. This project explored hygiene- and cleaning-related experiences in shelters serving people experiencing homelessness (PEH) during May–June 2020 of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We conducted qualitative, in-depth interviews by phone with 22 staff from six shelters in Atlanta, Georgia. The interview guide included questions about cleaning routines, cleaning barriers and facilitators, cleaning promotion, hand hygiene promotion, and hand hygiene barriers and facilitators. We analyzed interview transcripts using thematic analysis.
Multiple individuals, such as shelter individuals (clients), volunteers, and staff, played a role in shelter cleaning. Staff reported engaging in frequent hand hygiene and cleaning practices. Barriers to cleaning included staffing shortages and access to cleaning supplies. Staff reported barriers (e.g., differing perceptions of cleanliness) for clients who were often involved in cleaning activities. Barriers to hand hygiene included limited time to wash hands, forgetting, and inconvenient handwashing facilities. Specific guidance about when and how to clean, and what supplies to use, were requested.
During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, shelters serving PEH in the Atlanta-metro area needed resources and support to ensure sufficient staffing and supplies for cleaning activities. As part of future pandemic planning and outbreak prevention efforts, shelters serving PEH could benefit from specific guidance and training materials on cleaning and hand hygiene practices.
Emergency Resource Request
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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