A collective trauma like COVID-19 impacts individuals differently due to socio-contextual and individual characteristics. Younger adults, minorities, affiliates of certain political parties, and residents of some regions of the United States reported experiencing poorer mental health during the pandemic. Being diagnosed with COVID-19, or losing a friend/family to it, was related to more adverse mental health symptoms. While the negative impact of COVID-19 on health outcomes has been studied, mental health changes during this pandemic need further exploration.
In a study of 8,612 U.S. households, using three surveys collected from a nationally representative panel between May 2020 and October 2021, using a repeated cross-sectional design, a linear mixed effect regression model was performed to investigate factors associated with the mental health status, based on the Mental Health Inventory-5, of individuals throughout different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether an improvement over time, especially after vaccines became available, was observed.
An overall improvement in mental health was observed after vaccines became available. Individuals with no COVID-related death in their household, those not wearing masks, those identifying as members of the Republican Party, race/ethnicities other than Asian, men, older adults, and residents of the South were less likely than others to report mental health challenges.
Our results highlight the need for widespread mental health interventions and health promotion to address challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Due to the worse mental health observed among Asians, younger adults, women, low-income families, those with a higher level of concern for COVID-19, people who lost someone to COVID-19, and/or individuals with histories of opioid use disorder and criminal legal involvement, over the period of this study, targeted attention needs to be given to the mental health of these groups.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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