The neuropathological landscape of Hispanic and non-Hispanic White decedents with Alzheimer disease


Scalco Rebeca,Saito Naomi,Beckett Laurel,Nguyen My-Le,Huie Emily,Wang Hsin-Pei,Flaherty Delaney A.,Honig Lawrence S.,DeCarli Charles,Rissman Robert A.,Teich Andrew F.,Jin Lee-Way,Dugger Brittany N.ORCID


AbstractDespite the increasing demographic diversity of the United States’ aging population, there remain significant gaps in post-mortem research investigating the ethnoracial heterogeneity in the neuropathological landscape of Alzheimer Disease (AD). Most autopsy-based studies have focused on cohorts of non-Hispanic White decedents (NHWD), with few studies including Hispanic decedents (HD). We aimed to characterize the neuropathologic landscape of AD in NHWD (n = 185) and HD (n = 92) evaluated in research programs across three institutions: University of California San Diego, University of California Davis, and Columbia University. Only persons with a neuropathologic diagnosis of intermediate/high AD determined by NIA Reagan and/or NIA-AA criteria were included. A frequency-balanced random sample without replacement was drawn from the NHWD group using a 2:1 age and sex matching scheme with HD. Four brain areas were evaluated: posterior hippocampus, frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices. Sections were stained with antibodies against Aβ (4G8) and phosphorylated tau (AT8). We compared the distribution and semi-quantitative densities for neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), neuropil threads, core, diffuse, and neuritic plaques. All evaluations were conducted by an expert blinded to demographics and group status. Wilcoxon’s two-sample test revealed higher levels of neuritic plaques in the frontal cortex (p = 0.02) and neuropil threads (p = 0.02) in HD, and higher levels of cored plaques in the temporal cortex in NHWD (p = 0.02). Results from ordinal logistic regression controlling for age, sex, and site of origin were similar. In other evaluated brain regions, semi-quantitative scores of plaques, tangles, and threads did not differ statistically between groups. Our results demonstrate HD may be disproportionately burdened by AD-related pathologies in select anatomic regions, particularly tau deposits. Further research is warranted to understand the contributions of demographic, genetic, and environmental factors to heterogeneous pathological presentations.


National Institute on Aging


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Neurology (clinical),Pathology and Forensic Medicine

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