Saleem Kiran,Wang Lei,Bharany Salil,Ouahada Khmaies,Rehman Ateeq Ur,Hamam Habib
AbstractThe research addresses energy consumption, latency, and network reliability challenges in wireless sensor network communication, especially in military security applications. A multi-agent context-aware model employing the belief-desire-intention (BDI) reasoning mechanism is proposed. This model utilizes a semantic knowledge-based intelligent reasoning network to monitor suspicious activities within a prohibited zone, generating alerts. Additionally, a BDI intelligent multi-level data transmission routing algorithm is proposed to optimize energy consumption constraints and enhance energy-awareness among nodes. The energy optimization analysis involves the Energy Percent Dataset, showcasing the efficiency of four wireless sensor network techniques (E-FEERP, GTEB, HHO-UCRA, EEIMWSN) in maintaining high energy levels. E-FEERP consistently exhibits superior energy efficiency (93 to 98%), emphasizing its effectiveness. The Energy Consumption Dataset provides insights into the joule measurements of energy consumption for each technique, highlighting their diverse energy efficiency characteristics. Latency measurements are presented for four techniques within a fixed transmission range of 5000 m. E-FEERP demonstrates latency ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 s, while multi-hop latency values range from 2.7 to 2.9 s. These values provide valuable insights into the performance characteristics of each technique under specified conditions. The Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) dataset reveals the consistent performance of the techniques in maintaining successful packet delivery within the specified transmission range. E-FEERP achieves PDR values between 89.5 and 92.3%, demonstrating its reliability. The Packet Received Data further illustrates the efficiency of each technique in receiving transmitted packets. Moreover the network lifetime results show E-FEERP consistently improving from 2550 s to round 925. GTEB and HHO-UCRA exhibit fluctuations around 3100 and 3600 s, indicating variable performance. In contrast, EEIMWSN consistently improves from round 1250 to 4500 s.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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