1. A Herzberg, H Shulman, in ESORICS. LNCS, 7459, ed. by S Foresti, M Yung, and F Martinelli. Security of patched DNS (SpringerPisa, Italy, 2012), pp. 271–288. ., [
2. A Herzberg, H Shulman, in European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vulnerable Delegation of DNS Resolution (SpringerEgham, UK, 2013).
3. A Herzberg, H Shulman, in The Conference on Communications and Network Security, CNS 2013 IEEE. Fragmentation Considered Poisonous: or one-domain-to-rule-them-all.org (IEEEWashington, D.C., U.S, 2013).
4. A Herzberg, H Shulman, in ACM Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACM ACSAC). Socket Overloading for Fun and Cache Poisoning (New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., 2013).
5. H Shulman, M Waidner, in Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS). Fragmentation Considered Leaking: Port Inference for DNS Poisoning (SpringerLausanne, Switzerland, 2014).