Rando-Segura Ariadna,Aznar María Luisa,Moreno María Milagros,Espasa Soley Mateu,Sulleiro Igual Elena,Bocanegra Garcia Cristina,Gil Olivas Eva,Nindia Eugénio Arlete,Escartin Huesca Carlos,Zacarias Adriano,Vegue Collado Josep,Katimba Domingos,Vivas Cano Maria Carmen,Gabriel Estevao,López García Maria Teresa,Pumarola Suñe Tomas,Molina Romero Israel,Tórtola Fernández María Teresa
The importance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with disputed rpoB mutations remains to be defined. This study aimed to assess the frequency and types of rpoB mutations in M. tuberculosis isolates from Cubal, Angola, a country with a high incidence of tuberculosis.
All isolates included (n = 308) were analyzed using phenotypic drug susceptibility testing and GenoType MTBDRplus assay. DNA sequencing of the rpoB gene and determination of rifampicin MIC by macrodilution method were additionally performed on isolates yielding discordant results (n = 12) and those in which the mutation detected was not characterized (n = 8).
In total, 85.1% (74/87) of rifampicin-resistant strains had undisputed rpoB mutations -S450L (49), D435V (15), H445D (3), H445Y (2), Q432ins (1), L449M plus S450F (1), S450F (1), S450W (1) and S450Y (1)-; 10.3% (9/87) had disputed rpoB mutations—L430P plus S493L (1), N437del (1), H445L (3), D435Y (2), L452P (2)-, 2.3% (2.3%) showed no rpoB mutations and 2.3% (2/87) showed heteroresistance—D435Y plus L452P and L430P plus S493L-.
Disputed rpoB mutations were common, occurring in 10.3% of rifampicin resistant isolates. Current phenotyping techniques may be unable to detect this resistance pattern. To increase their sensitivity, a lower concentration of RIF could be used in these tests or alternatively, rpoB mutations could be screened and characterized in all M. tuberculosis strains.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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