Mohamed Adel El-Sawy,Gomaa Amina Hamed,Abd-El-Zaher Mohamed Helmy,Reda Abd-El-Salam Abd-El-Hameed,Girgis Nancy Danial
Citrus is an important fruit crop worldwide; artificial seeds are through encapsulation techniques of somatic embryos having many applications such as large-scale propagation and germplasm conservation. The aim of this study is the investigation of the viability of encapsulated citrus somatic embryos after different storage periods and to convert them into plantlets.
Cotyledonary-stage somatic embryos (5–7-mm size) regenerated from stigma explants of Washington navel orange (Citrus sinensis L.) were encapsulated individually in 3% sodium alginate. After different preservation periods (1, 2 or 3 months) at 10 °C, the encapsulated somatic embryos were cultured on Murashige and Skooge (MS) medium solidified with 7 g/l agar and supplemented with 50 g/l sucrose for germination. Percentage of regrowth, germination percentage, number of plantlets, plantlets height and number of leaves/shoot were recorded after different recovery periods. The germination percentages of encapsulated embryos were 90, 62.5 and 40% with storage for one, two and three months, respectively. Encapsulated somatic embryos preserved for 1 month developed the highest number of plantlets, while those preserved for 2 months developed the highest length of plantlets and the highest number of leaves/shoot after a recovery period of 10 months. Molecular analysis was performed of plantlets recovered from somatic embryos after preservation by encapsulation, and the results showed that the percentages of polymorphism were 7.7% with the two primers in all treatments.
It could be concluded that callus developed from stigma explants was able to regenerate indirect somatic embryogenesis after 3 months. Cotyledonary-stage somatic embryos of citrus were successfully preserved by encapsulation using 3% sodium alginate. Frequencies of germination of encapsulated somatic embryos increased with increasing the recovery period on the germination medium. A maximum recovery frequency of 60.8% was obtained from encapsulated somatic embryos cultured on germination medium for up to 10 months. Also, recovery frequency of 62.5% was noticed from encapsulated somatic embryos preserved for 2 months at 10 °C. In addition, results indicated that recovered somatic embryos obtained from encapsulated somatic embryos were able to convert to normal plantlets.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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