Understory flammability is affected by abscised plant tissue. Extensive research has shown how interspecific differences in leaf litter traits affect flammability; however, leaves represent only one component of the litter layer. Cones and fruit are also common constituents of the forest floor, yet surprisingly little is known about how flammability is affected by their presence. In this study, we ask how flammability is affected by cones and fruit trait differences, coverage differences, and varying species and coverage combinations. To address these questions, we compared cone and fruit morphological and chemical traits among longleaf pine, loblolly pine, shortleaf pine, sweetgum, post oak, and water oak. We also used burn trials to compare fire behavior of single and mixed-species treatments at three coverage levels (10% of plot area (low), 30% (medium), and 50% (high)) integrated within a common mixed-litter layer under field conditions in central Alabama, USA.
Like other plant tissues, cone/fruit dry matter, carbon, and lignin content promote fuel consumption and flame height, while nitrogen suppresses flammability. Single-species treatments produced distinct patterns in fire behavior, with longleaf pine cones consistently showing higher percent fuel consumption, flame height, and maximum smoldering temperature than sweetgum capsular heads. Mixed-species treatment results were less consistent; however, at high coverage, a representative upland three-way mixture (longleaf pine + sweetgum + post oak) showed significantly greater fuel consumption and flame height relative to a bottomland three-way mixture (loblolly pine + sweetgum + water oak) at high coverage. Medium cone/fruit coverage maximized flammability in most single and multi-species treatments and produced non-additive fuel consumption in mixtures containing longleaf pine and sweetgum.
Our results confirm that individual species’ cone and fruit flammability often parallels that of litter. Fire behavior in mixture is generally driven by the most flammable constituent species, but this result changes with cone and fruit coverage. Collectively, these results indicate that cones/fruit identity and coverage play an important role in understory flammability and should be integrated into fire behavior modeling efforts in monocultures and mixtures.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC