External tags, such as transmitters and loggers, are often used to study bat movements. However, physiological and behavioural effects on bats carrying tags have rarely been investigated, and recommendations on the maximum acceptable tag mass are rather based on rules of thumb than on rigorous scientific assessment.
We conducted a comprehensive three-step assessment of the potential physiological and behavioural effects of tagging bats, using common noctules Nyctalus noctula as a model. First, we examined seasonal changes in body mass. Second, we predicted and then measured potential changes in flight metabolic rate in a wind tunnel. Third, we conducted a meta-analysis of published data to assess effects of different tag masses on the weight and behaviour of bats.
Individual body mass of common noctules varied seasonally by 7.0 ± 2.6 g (range: 0.5–11.5 g). Aerodynamic theory predicted a 26% increase in flight metabolic rate for a common noctule equipped with a 3.8 g tag, equating to 14% of body mass. In a wind tunnel experiment, we could not confirm the predicted increase for tagged bats. Our meta-analysis revealed a weak correlation between tag mass and emergence time and flight duration in wild bats. Interestingly, relative tag mass (3–19% of bat body mass) was not related to body mass loss, but bats lost more body mass the longer tags were attached. Notably, relatively heavy bats lost more mass than conspecifics with a more average body mass index.
Because heavy tags (> 3 g) were generally used for shorter periods of time than lighter tags (~ 1 g), the long-term effects of heavy tags on bats cannot be assessed at this time. Furthermore, the effects of disturbance and resource distribution in the landscape cannot be separated from those of tagging. We recommend that tags weighing 5–10% of a bat’s mass should only be applied for a few days. For longer studies, tags weighing less than 5% of a bat's body mass should be used. To avoid adverse effects on bats, researchers should target individuals with average, rather than peak, body mass indices.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung (IZW) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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