Lederman Jakob,Löfvenmark Caroline,Djärv Therese,Lindström Veronica,Elmqvist Carina
Non-conveyed patients (i.e. patients who are not transported to a hospital after being assessed by ambulance clinicians) represent a significantly increasing proportion of all patients seeking ambulance care. Scientific knowledge about patients’ non-conveyance experiences is sparse. This study describes the lived experiences of non-conveyed patients in an ambulance care context.
A reflective lifeworld research (RLR) approach founded on phenomenology is used. Data is derived from nine in-depth interviews with patients not conveyed by the ambulance service in a major Swedish region.
Patients’ lived experiences of becoming acutely ill or injured and not conveyed by ambulance to a hospital are characterised by several dynamic movements: losing and regaining situational and bodily control, dependence and autonomy, external competence and inner knowledge, handing over and regaining responsibility, and fear and security.
Patients’ lived experiences of non-conveyance are complex and versatile. Although non-conveyed patients initially experience strong fear and the loss of situational and bodily control, they gradually feel more secure when experiencing confirmation and trust, which evolves into insecurity and uncertainty. The non-conveyance situation’s complexity from a patient’s perspective implies the need for ambulance organisations to take measures to prevent further suffering. Non-conveyed patients must be taken seriously in their unique situations, requiring ambulance clinicians to reflect and act with a conscious ethical perspective before, during and after their visit.
Stockholms Läns Landsting
Karolinska Institute
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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4 articles.