Epileptiform activity in mouse hippocampal slices induced by moderate changes in extracellular Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+


Liu Haiyu,Zhang Sai,Zhang LiangORCID


Abstract Background Rodent brain slices—particularly hippocampal slices—are widely used in experimental investigations of epileptiform activity. Oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) is used to maintain slices in vitro. Physiological or standard ACSF containing 3–3.5 mM K+, 1–2 mM Mg2+, and 1–3 mM Ca2+ generally does not induce population epileptiform activity, which can be induced by ACSF with high K+ (8–10 mM), low Mg2+, or low Ca2+ alone or in combination. While low-Mg2+ ACSF without intentionally added Mg salt but with contaminating Mg2+ (≤ 50–80 µM) from other salts can induce robust epileptiform activity in slices, it is unclear whether such epileptiform activity can be achieved using ACSF with moderately decreased Mg2+. To explore this issue, we examined the effects of moderately modified (m)ACSF with 0.8 mM Mg2+, 1.3 mM Ca2+, and 5.7 mM K+ on induction of epileptiform discharges in mouse hippocampal slices. Results Hippocampal slices were prepared from young (21–28 days old), middle-aged (13–14 months old), and aged (24–26 months old) C57/BL6 mice. Conventional thin (0.4 mm) and thick (0.6 mm) slices were obtained using a vibratome and pretreated with mACSF at 35–36 °C for 1 h prior to recordings. During perfusion with mACSF at 35–36 °C, spontaneous or self-sustained epileptiform field potentials following high-frequency stimulation were frequently recorded in slices pretreated with mACSF but not in those without the pretreatment. Seizure-like ictal discharges were more common in thick slices than in thin slices. Conclusions Prolonged exposure to mACSF by pretreatment and subsequent perfusion can induce epileptiform field potentials in mouse hippocampal slices.


ontario brain institute

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,General Neuroscience

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