A rare presentation of Takayasu’s arteritis- unilateral finger clubbing – case report


Gunasekera Shania NiromiORCID,Madurapperuma Chirath,Weerasooriya Nilusha,Karunathilake Harindra,Jayanaga Ananda


Abstract Background Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) is a granulomatous, large vessel vasculitis with a preponderance for young women. The inflammation results in disruption of the arterial endothelium causing stenosis, endoluminal thrombosis and aneurismal dilatation. Early disease presentation is with nonspecific general symptoms, and in such instances, the diagnosis can be missed. Unilateral clubbing is a manifestation of myriad of diseases, but is not a common sign of TA. In medical literature, only three such cases have been reported. Case presentation We present a 24-year-old female who presented with multiple constitutional symptoms such as arthralgia, malaise, poor appetite and two episodes of syncope over 3 months’ duration. On examination, unilateral finger clubbing was observed in the right hand, with very low volume radial, ulnar and brachial artery pulses on the ipsilateral side. Her blood pressure measured on the unaffected arm, was normal. Inflammatory markers were elevated and magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) confirmed TA. Conclusion Although rare, unilateral clubbing may be a manifestation of TA. Therefore, detection of unilateral clubbing should raise a strong clinical suspicion of TA and prompt early diagnosis and initiation of treatment.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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