In this case series, a perioperative anticoagulation protocol for microvascular head and neck surgery in patients with thrombophilia is presented. Microvascular free-flap surgery is a standard procedure in head and neck surgery with high success rates. Nevertheless, flap loss—which is most often caused by thrombosis—can occur and has far-reaching consequences, such as functional impairment, prolonged hospitalization, and increased costs. The risk of flap loss owing to thrombosis is significantly increased in patients with thrombophilia. Therefore, perioperative anticoagulation is mandatory. To date, no perioperative anticoagulation protocol exists for these high-risk patients.
Case presentation
We present three exemplary male Caucasian patients aged 53–57 years with free flap loss owing to an underlying, hidden thrombophilia.
We present a modified anticoagulation protocol for microvascular surgery in these high-risk patients, enabling successful microsurgical reconstruction.
Universitätsklinikum Köln
Springer Science and Business Media LLC