Priyanka Govindegowda,Singiri Jeevan R.,Adler-Agmon Zachor,Sannidhi Sasank,Daida Spurthi,Novoplansky Nurit,Grafi Gideon
AbstractAgriculture-based industries generate huge amounts of byproducts/wastes every year, which are not exploited or disposed efficiently posing an environmental problem with implications to human and animal health. Finding strategies to increase the recycling of agro-industrial byproducts/wastes (AIBWs) is a primary objective of the current study. A thorough examination of AIBWs in conjunction with experimental research is proposed to facilitate sorting for various agro-industrial applications and consequently increasing byproduct/waste utilization. Accordingly, two sustainable, locally available sources of AIBWs, namely, wheat bran (WB) and garlic straw and peels (GSP) were studied in detail including content and composition of proteins, phytohormones and nutritional elements, as well as the effect of AIBW extracts on plant and microbial growth. Hundreds of proteins were recovered from AIBW mainly from WBs, including chaperons, metabolite and protein modifying enzymes, and antimicrobial proteins. In-gel assays showed that WB and GSP possess high protease and nuclease activities. Conspicuously, phytohormone analysis of AIBWs revealed the presence of high levels of strigolactones, stimulants of seed germination of root parasitic weeds, as well as indole acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Garlic straw extract strongly inhibited germination of the weed Amaranthus palmeri but not of Abutilon theophrasti and all examined AIBWs significantly affected post-germination growth. Bacterial growth was strongly inhibited by garlic straw, but enhanced by WBs, which can be used at least partly as a bacterial growth medium. Thus, an in-depth examination of AIBW characteristics will enable appropriate sorting for diverse agro-industrial applications, which will increase their utilization and consequently their economic value.
Israel Innovation Authority
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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