Soluble RAGE in COPD, with or without coexisting obstructive sleep apnoea


Marin-Oto MartaORCID,Sanz-Rubio DavidORCID,Santamaría-Martos Fernando,Benitez Ivan,Simon Ana L.,Forner Marta,Cubero Pablo,Gil Ana,Sanchez-de-laTorre Manuel,Barbe FerranORCID,Marin José M.ORCID


Abstract Background Hypoxia can reduce the levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE), a new anti-inflammatory biomarker of COPD. We assessed sRAGE in patients with hypoxia-related diseases such as COPD, OSA and OSA-COPD overlap. Methods Plasma levels of sRAGE were measured in 317 subjects at baseline (57 heathy nonsmokers [HNS], 84 healthy smokers [HS], 79 OSA, 62 COPD and 35 OSA-COPD overlap patients) and in 294 subjects after one year of follow-up (50 HNS, 74 HS, 77 OSA, 60 COPD and 33 overlap). Results After adjusting for age, sex, smoking status and body mass index, sRAGE levels showed a reduction in OSA (− 12.5%, p = 0.005), COPD (− 14.8%, p < 0.001) and OSA-COPD overlap (− 12.3%, p = 0.02) compared with HNS. There were no differences when comparing sRAGE plasma levels between overlap patients and those with OSA or COPD alone. At follow-up, sRAGE levels did not change significantly in healthy subjects, COPD and OSA or OSA-COPD overlap nontreated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Moreover, in patients with OSA and OSA-COPD overlap who were treated with CPAP, sRAGE increased significantly. Conclusions The levels of sRAGE are reduced in COPD and OSA. Treatment with CPAP appears to improve sRAGE levels in patients with OSA who also had COPD.


Instituto Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Health, Madrid, Spain


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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