Original composition and formation process of slab-derived deep brine from Kashio mineral spring in central Japan


Kusuhara FumitakeORCID,Kazahaya Kohei,Morikawa Noritoshi,Yasuhara Masaya,Tanaka Hidemi,Takahashi Masaaki,Tosaki Yuki


AbstractBrine samples from the wells in the Kashio mineral spring (an “Arima-type” hot spring at Ooshika-Mura, central Japan) were analyzed to determine the original chemical and isotopic compositions of the deep brine end-member before its dilution by meteoric water and to elucidate the origin of the end-member. The trends of variation between Cl, δD, and δ18O indicated the existence of a two-component mixing system and a systematic variation in the mixing ratio, which were mentioned in previous studies. By carefully tracking the variation in tritium (3H) and atmospheric noble gas in the brine, the Cl concentration in the end-member was determined to be 24,000 mg/L. This value is consistent with the result of previous studies. Based on the estimated composition and other related data, we inferred that the end-member originated from slab-derived fluid, which in turn may have undergone oxygen isotope exchange reactions with minerals. Although both the Arima and Kashio brines are considered to be derived from fluid dehydrated from the Philippine Sea slab, the chemical and isotopic compositions of the Kashio end-member are different from those of the Arima end-member. In particular, the Kashio end-member is characterized by low Cl concentration (~ 40% lower than that in the Arima end-member), low hydrogen isotope ratio, and low 3He/4He ratio (1.4 Ra). These results indicate that the chemical and isotopic compositions of the slab-derived fluid are different for each location. The significant difference in δD could reflect the difference in the dehydration depth. Finally, the low temperature and relatively low 3He/4He ratio of the brine end-member could be explained by its long residence time within the crust.


Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Space and Planetary Science,Geology

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