Stanniocalcin 2 (STC2): a universal tumour biomarker and a potential therapeutical target


Qie ShuoORCID,Sang Nianli


AbstractStanniocalcin 2 (STC2) is a glycoprotein which is expressed in a broad spectrum of tumour cells and tumour tissues derived from human breast, colorectum, stomach, esophagus, prostate, kidney, liver, bone, ovary, lung and so forth. The expression of STC2 is regulated at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels; particularly, STC2 is significantly stimulated under various stress conditions like ER stress, hypoxia and nutrient deprivation. Biologically, STC2 facilitates cells dealing with stress conditions and prevents apoptosis. Importantly, STC2 also promotes the development of acquired resistance to chemo- and radio- therapies. In addition, multiple groups have reported that STC2 overexpression promotes cell proliferation, migration and immune response. Therefore, the overexpression of STC2 is positively correlated with tumour growth, invasion, metastasis and patients’ prognosis, highlighting its potential as a biomarker and a therapeutic target. This review focuses on discussing the regulation, biological functions and clinical importance of STC2 in human cancers. Future perspectives in this field will also be discussed.


Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital

2021 Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital Talent Program and Start-up Grant for Doctors

The Research Contract Award from Lipogen Inc,


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cancer Research,Oncology







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