Spotlight on latent tuberculosis infection screening for juvenile idiopathic arthritis in two countries, comparing high and low risk patients


Piotto DanielaORCID,Nicacio AlineORCID,Neto AgnaORCID,Mourão Ana FilipaORCID,Oliveira-Ramos FilipaORCID,Campanilho-Marques RaquelORCID,Guedes MargaridaORCID,Cabral MartaORCID,Santos Maria JoséORCID,Fonseca João EuricoORCID,Canhão HelenaORCID,Aikawa Nádia Emi,Oliveira Sheila K. F.ORCID,Ferriani Virginia P. L.ORCID,Pileggi Gecilmara C. S.ORCID,Magalhães Claudia S.ORCID,Silva Clovis ArturORCID,Terreri Maria TeresaORCID


Abstract Background Rheumatic diseases are associated with an increase in overall risks of tuberculosis (TB). The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of TB and the frequency of latent TB infection (LTBI), in clinical practice, for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients from high and low risk of TB incidence endemic countries. Methods This is an international, multicenter, cross-sectional, observational study of data collection from Brazil and Registry of Portugal at REUMA.PT. The inclusion criteria were patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) with age ≤ 18 years who underwent screening for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection [tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA)]. Chest X-rays and history of exposure to TB were also assessed. Results 292 JIA patients were included; mean age 14.3 years, mean disease duration 7.5 years, 194 patients (66.4%) performed only TST, 14 (4.8%) only IGRA and 84 (28.8%) both. The frequency of LTBI (10.6%) and TB was similar between the two countries. The reasons for TB screening were different; in Brazil it was performed more often at JIA onset while in Portugal it was performed when starting Disease Modified Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARD) treatment (p < 0.001). Isoniazid therapy was prescribed in 40 (13.7%) patients (31 with LTBI and 9 with epidemiologic risks and/or due to contact with sick people). Only three patients (1%) developed active TB. Conclusion We found nearly 10% of patients with LTBI, a small percentage of patients with treatment due to epidemiologic risks and only 1% with active TB. Distinct reasons and screening methods for LTBI were observed between the two countries.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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