De novo gonad transcriptome analysis of the common littoral shrimp Palaemon serratus: novel insights into sex-related genes


González-Castellano InésORCID,Manfrin Chiara,Pallavicini Alberto,Martínez-Lage Andrés


Abstract Background The common littoral shrimp Palaemon serratus is an economically important decapod resource in some European communities. Aquaculture practices prevent the genetic deterioration of wild stocks caused by overfishing and at the same time enhance the production. The biotechnological manipulation of sex-related genes has the proved potential to improve the aquaculture production but the scarcity of genomic data about P. serratus hinders these applications. RNA-Seq analysis has been performed on ovary and testis samples to generate a reference gonadal transcriptome. Differential expression analyses were conducted between three ovary and three testis samples sequenced by Illumina HiSeq 4000 PE100 to reveal sex-related genes with sex-biased or sex-specific expression patterns. Results A total of 224.5 and 281.1 million paired-end reads were produced from ovary and testis samples, respectively. De novo assembly of ovary and testis trimmed reads yielded a transcriptome with 39,186 transcripts. The 29.57% of the transcriptome retrieved at least one annotation and 11,087 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected between ovary and testis replicates. Six thousand two hundred seven genes were up-regulated in ovaries meanwhile 4880 genes were up-regulated in testes. Candidate genes to be involved in sexual development and gonadal development processes were retrieved from the transcriptome. These sex-related genes were discussed taking into account whether they were up-regulated in ovary, up-regulated in testis or not differentially expressed between gonads and in the framework of previous findings in other crustacean species. Conclusions This is the first transcriptome analysis of P. serratus gonads using RNA-Seq technology. Interesting findings about sex-related genes from an evolutionary perspective (such as Dmrt1) and for putative future aquaculture applications (Iag or vitellogenesis genes) are reported here. We provide a valuable dataset that will facilitate further research into the reproductive biology of this shrimp.


Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte

Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España

Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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