Pavithra M.,Prakash M.,Vennila V.
AbstractCloud computing technology offers flexible and expedient services that carry a variety of profits for both societies as well as individuals. De-duplication techniques were developed to minimize redundant data in the cloud storage. But, one of the main challenges of cloud storage is data deduplication with secure data storage.To overcome the issue, we propose Boneh Goh Nissim Bilinear Attribute-based Optimal Cache Oblivious (BGNBA-OCO) access control and secure de-duplication for data storage in cloud computing in this paper. The proposed method achieves fne-grained access control with low computation consumption. We design Boneh Goh Nissim Privacy Preserving Revocable Attribute-based Encryption that reinforces attribute revocation and averts the discharge of sensitive information. Furthermore, we utilize Optimal Cache Oblivious algorithm to prevent disclosure of access patterns to hide the access patterns in cloud storage via rand pattern matching. We support updating both encrypted data and access control policies to minimize communication and computation overhead of data duplication and encryption processes concurrently. We perform secure data sharing to achieve higher data confidentiality and integrity. Finally, we conducted the extensive experiments in cloud and the results illustrated that our proposed BGNBA-OCO method is more efficient than related works.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC