Effects of tree species diversity and stand structure on carbon stocks of homestead forests in Maheshkhali Island, Southern Bangladesh


Baul Tarit KumarORCID,Chakraborty Avinanda,Nandi Rajasree,Mohiuddin Mohammed,Kilpeläinen Antti,Sultana Taslima


Abstract Background The homestead forests of Bangladesh occupy 0.27 million hectares (10% of the total forested area) and have potential to store carbon (C) and conserve biodiversity. Small scale forestry practices, however, are lacking reliable estimation of C stocks and tree species diversity. This may hinder successful implementation of REDD + and similar mechanisms as they concentrate on large-scale forests. This study aimed to estimate the above- and below-ground carbon stocks in homestead forests of Maheshkhali Island in Bangladesh and how tree species diversity and stand structural variation affect these C stocks. We randomly surveyed a total of 239 homestead forests in the hillside, beachside, and inland in 2019. Results Tree biomass C stocks were 48–67% greater in the inland and hillside forests than in the beachside due to significantly greater stand density, basal area, tree diameter. In total we found 52 tree species, but most abundant species in the inland and hillside forests, Mangifera indica, Samanea saman, and Artocarpus heterophyllus stored the most C in tree biomass. Greater tree species richness and diversity index in the inland and hillside forests indicated greater above- and below-ground tree biomass C stocks. An increase in tree species richness and diversity index by one unit was found to increase the tree biomass C stock by 22 and 30 Mg C ha−1, respectively. The total soil C stock was also affected by tree species diversity, stand density, and their interaction with soil properties. Total soil C stocks were greatest (51 Mg ha−1) in the inland forests, having also the greatest stand density and tree species richness. C stock in soil surface was greatest in the hillside forests due to the greatest litterfall, but the average share of litterfall from the total biomass C was only 0.1%. Conclusions Homestead forest ecosystems could store 96 Mg C ha−1 in total, which can contribute to climate change mitigation by generating C credits for small-scale homestead forests owners. Above- and below-ground tree biomass C stocks were found to correlate with tree species diversity, which may also contribute to biodiversity conservation in the REDD + in Bangladesh and countries alike.


University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Global and Planetary Change

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