The disability and significant economic costs accredited to Low back pain (LBP) are likely to rise which is an essential problem in low and middle-income countries like Pakistan. The associated factors of LBP are age, sex, and race including physical activity, high spinal load, lifting, bending, and twisting occupations. The literature highlighted there is substantial differences in associated factors of LBP within available studies in developing countries. The objective is to investigate the association of demographic factors and lumbar range of motion with disability in patients with chronic low back.
A baseline data analysis was performed as an analytical cross-sectional study among 150 patients with chronic low back in a randomized controlled trial with a duration from March 2020 and January 2021. After recording demographics, Modified-Modified Schober’s test was used to measure lumbar flexion and extension and Oswestry disability index for disability. After the descriptive analysis the continuous variables, age and pain were analyzed with Spearman’s correlation. Variables that were significant in bivariate analysis were then fitted in a multivariable linear regression. The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to analyze variations of disability in gender, marital status, work status, education level, and duration of pain. The p-value of 0.05 was significant.
The results showed a significant correlation between age and pain in sitting (rh=-0.189, p = 0.021 and rh = 0.788, p < 0.001) with the disability but no significant effects of age and pain in sitting (B=-0.124, p = 0.212 and B = 1.128, p = 0.082) on disability were found. The decrease in lumbar flexion and extension was found to increase disability (B=-6.018 and − 4.032 respectively with p < 0.001). Female gender (x2(1) = 15.477, p = < 0.001) and unmarried marital status (x2(1) = 4.539, p = 0.033) had more disability than male gender and married marital status, respectively. There was a significance between groups of the duration of pain regarding disability (x2 (2) = 70.905, p < 0.001). Age, education level, and work status showed no significance (p > 0.05).
The female gender and unmarried marital status are associated with functional disability. Decreased lumbar range of motion accompanies more disability, while age, education level, and work status do not effect on disability.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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