Li Xianan,Jia Lecheng,Lin Fengyu,Chai Fan,Liu Tao,Zhang Wei,Wei Ziquan,Xiong Weiqi,Li Hua,Zhang Min,Wang Yi
Background and purpose
To investigate the feasibility of synthesizing computed tomography (CT) images from magnetic resonance (MR) images in multi-center datasets using generative adversarial networks (GANs) for rectal cancer MR-only radiotherapy.
Materials and methods
Conventional T2-weighted MR and CT images were acquired from 90 rectal cancer patients at Peking University People’s Hospital and 19 patients in public datasets. This study proposed a new model combining contrastive learning loss and consistency regularization loss to enhance the generalization of model for multi-center pelvic MRI-to-CT synthesis. The CT-to-sCT image similarity was evaluated by computing the mean absolute error (MAE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (SNRpeak), structural similarity index (SSIM) and Generalization Performance (GP). The dosimetric accuracy of synthetic CT was verified against CT-based dose distributions for the photon plan. Relative dose differences in the planning target volume and organs at risk were computed.
Our model presented excellent generalization with a GP of 0.911 on unseen datasets and outperformed the plain CycleGAN, where MAE decreased from 47.129 to 42.344, SNRpeak improved from 25.167 to 26.979, SSIM increased from 0.978 to 0.992. The dosimetric analysis demonstrated that most of the relative differences in dose and volume histogram (DVH) indicators between synthetic CT and real CT were less than 1%.
The proposed model can generate accurate synthetic CT in multi-center datasets from T2w-MR images. Most dosimetric differences were within clinically acceptable criteria for photon radiotherapy, demonstrating the feasibility of an MRI-only workflow for patients with rectal cancer.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC