Foregut duplication of the stomach diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound guidedfine-needle aspiration cytology: case report and literature review


Napolitano Vincenzo,Pezzullo Angelo M,Zeppa Pio,Schettino Pietro,D’Armiento Maria,Palazzo Antonietta,Pietra Cristina Della,Napolitano Salvatore,Conzo Giovanni


Abstract Gastric duplication cyst (GDC) with a pseudostratified columnar ciliatedepithelium is an uncommon malformation supposed to originate from a respiratorydiverticulum arising from the ventral foregut. Morphologic appearance of GDCs isvariable, depending on the density of their contents. GDCs are oftenmisdiagnosed as solid masses by imaging techniques, and as a consequence theymay be wrongly overtreated. We report our case of a 56-year-old man with a 5 cmhypoechoic mass of the gastroesophageal junction, incidentally detected bytransabdominal ultrasonography. Neither transabdominal ultrasonography normagnetic resonance clearly outlined the features of the lesion. The patientunderwent endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), which showed a hypoechoic mass arisingfrom the fourth layer of the anterior gastric wall, just below thegastroesophageal junction. According to EUS features, a diagnosis ofgastrointestinal stromal tumor was suggested. EUS-guided fine-needle aspirationcytology revealed a diagnosis of GDC with pseudostratified columnar ciliatedepithelium. We therefore performed an endoscopically-assisted laparoscopicexcision of the cyst. In conclusion, whenever a subepithelial gastric mass is found in the upper partof the gastric wall, a duplication cyst, although rare, should be considered. Inthis case, EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology could provide acytological diagnosis useful to arrange in advance the more adequate surgicaltreatment.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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