1. Department of Translational MedicineSection for Clinical ChemistryLund UniversitySkåne University Hospital Malmö205 02MalmöSweden
2. Clinical Protein Science & ImagingBiomedical CenterDept. of Biomedical EngineeringLund UniversityBMC C13221 84LundSweden
3. Centre of Excellence in Biological and Medical Mass SpectrometryLund UniversityBioMedical Centre D13221 85LundSweden
4. Department of OncologyClinical SciencesLund UniversitySkåne University Hospital221 85LundSweden
5. 2nd Department of PathologySemmelweis University1091BudapestHungary
6. Chemical Genomics Global Research LabDepartment of BiotechnologyCollege of Life Science and BiotechnologyYonsei University120‐749SeoulRepublic of Korea