Persistent Mϋllerian duct syndrome is a rare condition marked by the presence of Mϋllerian duct derivatives (uterus and fallopian tubes) in males who are seemingly (phenotypically and karyotypically) normal. Diagnosis can be made with physical examination, radiological investigations and karyotyping. The management aims at preserving fertility and removing Mϋllerian duct structures.
Case presentation
We report a case of PMDS encountered in a patient presenting with bilateral non-palpable testes since birth who was treated with orchidopexy and removal of Mϋllerian duct structures.
A remote possibility of persistent Mϋllerian duct syndrome should be borne in mind while dealing with a case of undescended testes. If such an encounter occurs, orchidopexy with removal of Mullerian duct structures is the preferred management.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC