Estimating population ITN access at council level in Tanzania


Koenker Hannah,Worges Matt,Yukich Joshua,Gitanya Peter,Chacky Frank,Lazaro Samwel,Mwalimu Charles Dismas,Aaron Sijenunu,Ibrahim Raya,Abbas Faiza,Khamis Mwinyi,Mwingizi Deodatus,Dadi David,Selby Ato,Serbantez Naomi,Msangi Lulu,Loll Dana,Kamala Benjamin


Abstract Background Since 2013, the National Malaria Control Programme in mainland Tanzania and the Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Programme have implemented mass insecticide-treated net (ITN) distribution campaigns, routine ITN distribution to pregnant women and infants, and continuous distribution through primary schools (mainland) and community leaders (Zanzibar) to further malaria control efforts. Mass campaigns are triggered when ITN access falls below 40%. In this context, there is a need to monitor ITN access annually to assess whether it is below threshold and inform quantification of ITNs for the following year. Annual estimates of access are needed at the council level to inform programmatic decision-making. Methods An age-structured stock and flow model was used to predict annual net crops from council-level distribution data in Tanzania from 2012 to 2020 parameterized with a Tanzania-specific net median lifespan of 2.15 years. Annual nets-per-capita (NPC) was calculated by dividing each annual net crop by mid-year council projected population. A previously fit nonparametric conditional quantile function for the proportion of the population with access to an ITN (ITN access) as a function of NPC was used to predict ITN access at the council level based on the predicted NPC value. These estimates were compared to regional-level ITN access from large household surveys. Results For regions with the same ITN strategy for all councils, predicted council-level ITN access was consistent with regional-level survey data for 79% of councils. Regions where ITN strategy varied by council had regional estimates of ITN access that diverged from the council-specific estimates. Predicted ITN access reached 60% only when “nets issued as a percentage of the council population” (NPP) exceeded 15%, and approached 80% ITN access when NPP was at or above 20%. Conclusion Modelling ITN access with country-specific net decay rates, council-level population, and ITN distribution data is a promising approach to monitor ITN coverage sub-regionally and between household surveys in Tanzania and beyond.


United States Agency for International Development


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Infectious Diseases,Parasitology







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