Dimensional variability of orthodontic slots and archwires: an analysis of torque expression and clinical implications


Tepedino MicheleORCID,Paiella Giordano,Iancu Potrubacz Maciej,Monaco Annalisa,Gatto Roberto,Chimenti Claudio


Abstract Background The loss of third-order information in pre-adjusted brackets due to torsional play is a problem in clinical orthodontics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of slot height, archwire height, width and edge bevel’s radius on the torsional play for three brackets/archwire systems. Methods Ninety brackets with a 0.022 × 0.028 in. slot with McLaughlin-Bennett-Trevisi prescription from three different manufacturers were selected, and the slot’s height and depth were measured using a profile projector. Sixty stainless-steel rectangular archwires from three different manufacturers were sectioned and observed with a SEM to measure their height, width, and radius of edge bevel. The recorded data were used to calculate the theoretical torsional play between different slot−archwire combinations. One-way ANOVA was used to compare the measurements within different bracket types and among different manufacturers. Results Slot height was usually oversized. Archwire’s height was usually undersized, but oversized wires were also observed. The radius edge bevel was the most variable parameter. A certain degree of torsional play is always present that differs from one bracket type to another of the same producer and that can even be doubled from one manufacturer to another. Conclusions Due to production tolerance, differences between the nominal values and the real dimensions of any components of a slot/archwire system are common. This results in a torsional play that limits torque expression. The archwire’s edge bevel plays an important role in torque expression, and clearer information should be provided by the manufacturers regarding this aspect.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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