Given the impact of politico-economic sanctions on the pharmaceutical supply chain, this study aims to identify practical strategies to improve the resilience of the Iranian supply chain in pharmaceutical procurement under politico-economic sanctions.
This is a qualitative content analysis study conducted in 2018. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using snowball sampling, and saturation was achieved after 18 interviews. Guba and Lincoln's criteria, namely credibility, confirmability, transferability, and dependability, were considered to ensure the validity and transparency of the study. A five-step framework analysis was applied to analyze the data using MAX QDA10.
The results led to the identification of nine main themes and 26 subthemes as strategies to improve the resilience of the pharmaceutical chain. According to the thematic map, some of these strategies have an extra-sectoral character: ‘insurance organizations’, ‘strengthening relations with other countries’, ‘mechanization of the distribution system’, and ‘suppliers and manufacturers’. At the same time, some inter-sectoral strategies can help the pharmaceutical chain maintain its resilience: ‘healthcare management and policy’, ‘exploiting local potential’, ‘pricing’, and ‘integrated health information systems.’ As a strategy, ‘Medical community and consumers’ also plays a crucial role in this regard. According to the subthemes, revisions of health management, more supervision, privatization, clinical policies, strategic purchasing, improvement of the referral system, inter-sectoral cooperation, support of indigenous medicines, rational pricing, insurance system, improvement of medical coverage, and development of electronic prescription should be considered by health systems. Sufficient support for indigenous medication and supervision of the distribution system should be considered by the pharmaceutical industry, taking into account the cooperation between consumers and patients.
Integration of the pharmaceutical supply chain and modern technologies, more attention to business complexity, economic development, intense competition, rapid changes in customer needs, and appropriate relationship between manufacturers, distributors, prescribers, and insurance organizations as purchasers should be considered by policymakers to improve supply chain resilience.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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