CosmoGAN: creating high-fidelity weak lensing convergence maps using Generative Adversarial Networks
Container-title:Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology
Short-container-title:Comput. Astrophys.
Mustafa MustafaORCID, Bard Deborah, Bhimji Wahid, Lukić Zarija, Al-Rfou Rami, Kratochvil Jan M.
AbstractInferring model parameters from experimental data is a grand challenge in many sciences, including cosmology. This often relies critically on high fidelity numerical simulations, which are prohibitively computationally expensive. The application of deep learning techniques to generative modeling is renewing interest in using high dimensional density estimators as computationally inexpensive emulators of fully-fledged simulations. These generative models have the potential to make a dramatic shift in the field of scientific simulations, but for that shift to happen we need to study the performance of such generators in the precision regime needed for science applications. To this end, in this work we apply Generative Adversarial Networks to the problem of generating weak lensing convergence maps. We show that our generator network produces maps that are described by, with high statistical confidence, the same summary statistics as the fully simulated maps.
U.S. Department of Energy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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