AbstractWith their odd cranial features, glyptodonts, closely related to extant armadillos, are a highly diverse group of the South American megafauna. Doedicurus, Glyptodon, Panochthus, and Neosclerocalyptus were present in the “Pampean Formation” during the Pleistocene, and they are all exceptionally preserved in the Santiago Roth Collection, thus offering the possibility of investigating these four well-diversified genera. A total of 13 specimens (seven species) were analysed and compared in a qualitative/quantitative study of external cranial remains and endocranial reconstructions (i.e., braincase and associated cranial canals, and inner ears). We report on anatomical features that contribute to existing phylogenetic matrices; many of them are new potential synapomorphies supporting the current hypotheses regarding the evolutionary history of the Pleistocene glyptodonts. These include the anterior cranial shape, the position of the basicranium in respect to the whole cranium, the shape of the cranial roof, the position of the largest semicircular canal, and the inclination of the cerebrum. They may represent new shared-derived features among Glyptodon, Doedicurus, Neosclerocalyptus, and Panochthus. We also provide detailed comparative descriptions highlighting new potential convergences in respect to current phylogenies, concerning, for instance, the shape of the foramen magnum, the global shape of the cranium, orbital shape, cochlear position, and a strong protrusion of the zygomatic process of the squamosal. In light of these results, we discuss morphological transformations across phylogeny. The endocranial comparison brought insights on the phylogenetic patterns of cranial canal evolution.
Swiss National Foundation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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