Precipitation pattern changed the content of non-structural carbohydrates components in different organs of Artemisia ordosica


He Yingying,Yu Minghan,Ding Guodong,Zhang Fuchong


Abstract Background Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) play a significant role in plant growth and defense and are an important component of carbon cycling in desert ecosystems. However, regarding global change scenarios, it remains unclear how NSCs in desert plants respond to changing precipitation patterns. [Methods] Three precipitation levels (natural precipitation, a 30% reduction in precipitation, and a 30% increase in precipitation) and two precipitation intervals levels (5 and 15 d) were simulated to study NSC (soluble sugar and starch) responses in the dominant shrub Artemisia ordosica. Results Precipitation level and interval interact to affect the NSC (both soluble sugar and starch components) content of A. ordosica. The effect of precipitation on NSC content and its components depended on extended precipitation interval. With lower precipitation and extended interval, soluble sugar content in roots increased and starch content decreased, indicating that A. ordosica adapts to external environmental changes by hydrolyzing root starch into soluble sugars. At 5 d interval, lower precipitation increased the NSC content of stems and especially roots. Conclusions A. ordosica follows the “preferential allocation principle” to preferentially transport NSC to growing organs, which is an adaptive strategy to maintain a healthy physiological metabolism under drought conditions. The findings help understand the adaptation and survival mechanisms of desert vegetation under the changing precipitation patterns and are important in exploring the impact of carbon cycling in desert systems under global environmental change.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Plant Science

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