Bivariate binary analysis on composite index of anthropometric failure of under-five children and household wealth-index


Workie Demeke Lakew,Tesfaw Lijalem MelieORCID


Abstract Background Malnutrition is the most common cause of mortality and morbidity of children in low and middle income countries including Ethiopia and household wealth index shares the highest contribution. Thus, in this study it is aimed to conduct bivariate binary logistic regression analysis by accounting the possible dependency of child composite index anthropometric failure and household wealth index. Methods In this study the data from Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) 2016 involved 9411 under five children was considered. Child Composite Index Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) measures the aggregate child undernourished derived from the conventional anthropometric indices (stunting, underweight and wasting). The correlation between CIAF and wealth index was checked and significant correlation found. To address the dependency between the two outcome variables bivariate binary logistic regression was used to analyze the determinants of child CAIF and household wealth index jointly. Results Study results show that region, place of residence, religion, education level of women and husband/partner, sex of child, source of drinking water, household size and number of under five children in the household, mothers body mass index, multiple birth and anemia level of child had significant association with child CIAF. Female children were 0.82 times less likely to be CIAF compared to male and multiple birth children were more likely to be CIAF compared to single birth. Children from Oromia, Somalie, Gambela, SNNPR, Harari and Addis Ababa region were 0.6, 0.56, 0.67, 0.52, 0.6 and 0.44 times less likely to be CIAF compared to Tigray. A household from rural area were 15.49 times more likely poor compared to a household. The estimated odds of children whose mothers attended primary, and secondary and higher education was 0.82, and 0.52 times respectively the estimated odds of children from mothers who had never attended formal education. Conclusion The prevalence of children with composite index anthropometric failure was high and closely tied with the household wealth index. Among the determinants, region, religion, family education level, and anemia level of child were statistically significant determinants of both CIAF and household wealth index. Thus, the authors recommend to concerned bodies and policymakers work on household wealth index to reduce the prevalence of child composite anthropometric failure.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health







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