A novel serum calprotectin (MRP8/14) particle-enhanced immuno-turbidimetric assay (sCAL turbo) helps to differentiate systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis from other diseases in routine clinical laboratory settings


Foell Dirk,Saers Melanie,Park Carolin,Brix Ninna,Glerup Mia,Kessel Christoph,Wittkowski Helmut,Hinze Claas,Berntson Lillemor,Fasth Anders,Myrup Charlotte,Nordal Ellen,Rygg Marite,Hasle Henrik,Albertsen Birgitte Klug,Herlin Troels,Holzinger Dirk,Niederberger Christian,Schlüter Bernhard


AbstractBackgroundDifferential diagnosis in children with signs of unprovoked inflammation can be challenging. In particular, differentiating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) from other diagnoses is difficult. We have recently validated the complex of myeloid-related proteins 8/14 (MRP8/14, also known as S100A8/A9 complex or serum calprotectin) as a helpful biomarker supporting the diagnosis of SJIA. The results were subsequently confirmed with a commercial ELISA. However, further optimization of the analytical technology is important to ensure its feasibility for large-scale use in routine laboratory settings.MethodsTo evaluate the accuracy in identifying children with SJIA, the performance of a particle-enhanced immuno-turbidimetric assay for serum calprotectin (sCAL turbo) on an automated laboratory instrument was analyzed. Samples from 615 children were available with the diagnoses SJIA (n = 99), non-systemic JIA (n = 169), infections (n = 51), other inflammatory diseases (n = 126), and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL,n = 147). In addition, samples from 23 healthy controls were included.ResultsThe sCAL turbo assay correlated well with the MRP8/14 ELISA used in previous validation studies (r = 0.99,p < 0.001). It could reliably differentiate SJIA from all other diagnoses with significant accuracy (cutoff at 10,500 ng/ml, sensitivity 84%, specificity 94%, ROC area under curve 0.960,p < 0.001).ConclusionsSerum calprotectin analyses are a helpful tool supporting the diagnosis of SJIA in children with prolonged fever or inflammatory disease. Here, we show that an immuno-turbidimetric assay for detection of serum calprotectin on an automated laboratory instrument can be implemented in clinical laboratory settings to facilitate its use as a diagnostic routine test in clinical practice.


Universitätsklinikum Münster


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering








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