A comparative review on heart ion channels, action potentials and electrocardiogram in rodents and human: extrapolation of experimental insights to clinic


Joukar SiyavashORCID


AbstractElectrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive valuable diagnostic tool that is used in clinics for investigation and monitoring of heart electrical rhythm/conduction, ischemia/injury of heart, electrolyte disturbances and agents/drugs induced cardiac toxicity. Nowadays using animal models to study heart diseases such as electrical and mechanical disturbance is common. In addition, given to ethical consideration and availability, the use of small rodents has been a top priority for cardiovascular researchers. However, extrapolation of experimental findings from the lab to the clinic needs sufficient basic knowledge of similarities and differences between heart action potential and ECG of rodents and humans in normal and disease conditions. This review compares types of human action potentials, the dominant ion currents during action potential phases, alteration in ion channels activities in channelopathies-induced arrhythmias and the ECG appearance of mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit and human. Also, it briefly discusses the responsiveness and alterations in ECG following some interventions such as cardiac injury and arrhythmia induction. Overall, it provides a roadmap for researchers in selecting the best animal model/species whose studies results can be translated into clinical practice. In addition, this study will also be useful to biologists, physiologists, pharmacologists, veterinarians and physicians working in the fields of comparative physiology, pharmacology, toxicology and diseases.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Medicine

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