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2. Beerkens L, Learner T, editors. Conserving Outdoor Painted Sculpture: proceedings from the interim meeting of the modern materials and Contemporary Art Working Group of ICOM-CC, Köller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, the Netherlands, June 4–5, 2013. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute; 2014.
3. Considine B, Wolfe J, Posner K, Bouchard M. Conserving Outdoor Sculpture: the stark collection at the Getty Center, Getty Conservation Institute; 2010. ISBN: 978-1-60606-010-0.
4. The Conservation of Twentieth-Century Outdoor Painted Sculpture. Report from focus meeting held at the Metropolitan Museum, New York; 2012.
5. van Oosten T. PUR facts: conservation of polyurethane foam in art and design. Amsterdam University Press; 2011. ISBN: 978-9089642103.