Tukacs Vanda,Mittli Dániel,Hunyadi-Gulyás Éva,Darula Zsuzsanna,Juhász Gábor,Kardos József,Kékesi Katalin Adrienna
The brain extracellular fluid (ECF), composed of secreted neurotransmitters, metabolites, peptides, and proteins, may reflect brain processes. Analysis of brain ECF may provide new potential markers for synaptic activity or brain damage and reveal additional information on pathological alterations. Epileptic seizure induction is an acute and harsh intervention in brain functions, and it can activate extra- and intracellular proteases, which implies an altered brain secretome. Thus, we applied a 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) epilepsy model to study the hippocampal ECF peptidome alterations upon treatment in rats.
We performed in vivo microdialysis in the hippocampus for 3–3 h of control and 4-AP treatment phase in parallel with electrophysiology measurement. Then, we analyzed the microdialysate peptidome of control and treated samples from the same subject by liquid chromatography-coupled tandem mass spectrometry. We analyzed electrophysiological and peptidomic alterations upon epileptic seizure induction by two-tailed, paired t-test.
We detected 2540 peptides in microdialysate samples by mass spectrometry analysis; and 866 peptides—derived from 229 proteins—were found in more than half of the samples. In addition, the abundance of 322 peptides significantly altered upon epileptic seizure induction. Several proteins of significantly altered peptides are neuropeptides (Chgb) or have synapse- or brain-related functions such as the regulation of synaptic vesicle cycle (Atp6v1a, Napa), astrocyte morphology (Vim), and glutamate homeostasis (Slc3a2).
We have detected several consequences of epileptic seizures at the peptidomic level, as altered peptide abundances of proteins that regulate epilepsy-related cellular processes. Thus, our results indicate that analyzing brain ECF by in vivo microdialysis and omics techniques is useful for monitoring brain processes, and it can be an alternative method in the discovery and analysis of CNS disease markers besides peripheral fluid analysis.
National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary Grants
National Brain Research Program NAP 3.0 of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
ELTE Proof of Concept
New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programs
EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
Eötvös Loránd University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC