Unprofessional behaviour of GP residents leading to a dismissal dispute: characteristics and outcomes of those who appeal


Godschalx-Dekker Judith A.,Sijbom Charlotte A. M.,Barnhoorn Pieter C.,van Mook Walther N. K. A.


Abstract Background Recognition of poor performance in General Practice trainees is important because underperformance compromises patients’ health and safety. However, in General Practice, research on persistent underperformance while in training and its ultimate consequences is almost completely lacking. We aim to explore the unprofessional behaviours of residents in General Practice who were dismissed from training and who litigated against dismissal. Methods We performed a structured analysis using open-source data from all General Practice cases before the Conciliation Board of the Royal Dutch Medical Association between 2011 and 2020. Anonymised law cases about residents from all Dutch GP training programmes were analysed in terms of the quantitative and qualitative aspects related to performance. Results Between 2011 and 2020, 24 residents who were dismissed from training challenged their programme director’s decision. Dismissed residents performed poorly in several competencies, including communication, medical expertise and most prominently, professionalism. Over 90% of dismissed residents failed on professionalism. Most lacked self-awareness and/or failed to profit from feedback. Approximately 80% failed on communication, and about 60% on medical expertise as well. A large majority (more than 80%) of dismissed residents had previously participated in some form of remediation. Conclusions Deficiencies in both professionalism and communication were the most prevalent findings among the dismissed General Practice residents. These two deficiencies overlapped considerably. Dismissed residents who challenged their programme director’s decision were considered to lack self-awareness, which requires introspection and the appreciation of feedback from others.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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