They are my worries, so it’s me the doctor should listen to—adolescent males’ experiences of consultations with general practitioners


Haraldsson Johanna,Johnsson Linus,Tindberg Ylva,Kristiansson Per,Nordgren Lena


Abstract Background Many adolescent males visit a general practitioner regularly, yet many report unmet health needs and negative experiences. This indicates a gap between provided healthcare and the needs of adolescent males. In order to improve adolescent males’ possibilities to discuss their health concerns with general practitioners, the study’s aim was to explore and describe how adolescent males understand and assign meaning to their experiences of consultations with general practitioners. Methods This qualitative study was conducted at two healthcare centres in mid-Sweden in 2022. Nine males 15 to 19 years old described their experiences in semi-structured interviews immediately after consulting a general practitioner, regardless of reason for the consultation and whether or not accompanied by a parent. The analysis was guided by thematic analysis according to Braun & Clarke and reflective lifeworld theory’s concepts of openness and sensitivity. Results One overarching theme, To be listened to, and three themes were developed: To handle insecurity and uneasiness, To be understood and cared for, and To get parental support on his terms. In a good appointment, the general practitioner cares about him, listens attentively, and takes him seriously. More importantly, the general practitioner’s understanding permeates the consultation, so that all aspects of it is adapted to him. The adolescent males doubted their ability to express themselves and to understand what would happen in the consultation, and therefore feared being dismissed without receiving any help. Such difficulties may be due to unfinished neurocognitive development and inexperience. They struggled with embarrassment, partly due to notions of masculinity, and strived to balance their needs of parental support, privacy, and being the one that the doctor listens to. Conclusions We argue that adolescent males are particularly vulnerable due to on-going neurocognitive and emotional development, inexperience, and notions of masculinity. However, good experiences can be generated through rather simple means. Adolescent males need individual adaptations demonstrating that they are cared for, understood and taken seriously. Furthermore, they need an unhurried pace to facilitate understanding, verbal affirmations to mitigate embarrassment, and help in navigating parental involvement.


The Centre for Clinical Research Sörmland, Uppsala University, Sweden

Uppsala University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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