High levels of maternally derived antibodies do not significantly interfere with the development of humoral and cell-mediated responses to Porcine circovirus 2 after intradermal vaccination


Martin-Valls Gerard E.,Cortey Martí,Swam Hanny,Jiménez Marta,Mateu Enric


Abstract Background Vaccination of pigs against PCV2 is usually performed around weaning when animals still have maternally derived antibodies (MDA). The present study aimed to assess the possible interference of MDA in the development of the PCV2-specific immune response after vaccination of commercial weaners. For this purpose, a PRRS-negative 600-sow farrow-to-finish farm was selected. Half of the sows were vaccinated and revaccinated with Porcilis® PCV ID against PCV2 7 and 3 weeks before farrowing. After farrowing, piglets were tested by AlphaLisa to select 72 animals with high and low levels of MDA. Groups were further subdivided and vaccinated intradermally with Porcilis® PCV ID at 21 or 28 days of age. Unvaccinated controls were also included. Animals were followed afterward for 42 days to examine the development of PCV2-specific antibodies and interferon-γ secreting cells (IFN-γ SC). Results The average titres of antibodies of the groups vaccinated in the presence of low or high MDA levels were similar at 28 and 42 days post-vaccination while in the controls the titres declined throughout the observation period. Results of vaccinating at 21 or 28 days of age were equivalent with regard to antibody development. Regarding the IFN-γ SC, vaccinated animals produced significant frequencies of IFN-γ SC by day 28. Again, no differences were observed between the groups with high or low antibody levels. Conclusion High levels of MDA did not interfere with the development of humoral and cell-mediated responses to Porcine circovirus 2 after intradermal vaccination at 21 or 28 days of age.


MSD Animal Health


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Animal Science and Zoology,Small Animals

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